Thursday, June 01, 2006

This information was in an email received through one of the Yahoo groups I am in. I though it very helpful:
If you aren't sure what material you're working with, light a match to the end and this is what happens:

Acrylic: Melts and shrinks from flame, then burns rapidly with smoky flame, melts and drips. Has a harsh odor while burning and leaves a hard, irregular bead.

Cotton and Linen: Ignites quickly, burns rapidly with yellow flame, red afterglow upon extinguishing. Smells like burning paper, leaves a light, feathery ash, gray to charcoal in color.

Nylon: Melts and shrinks from flame, burns slowly and smoky, self-extinguishes. Has odor of celery when burning and leaves a hard, shiny black or brown bead.

Polyester: Melts and shrinks from flame, melts and burns slowly, drips. Has a sweet odor when burning and leaves a hard, shiny black or brown bead.

Rayon: Ignites quickly, burns with a blue flame, rapid burn, red afterglow upon extinguishing. Smells like burning paper and leaves a light feathery ash, gray to charcoal in color.Silk: Curls away from flame, burns slowly, self-extinguishes. Smells like singed hair and leaves a round, shiny black bead which crushes easily.

Wools: Will dissolve in pure bleach. Burn test - smells like burning hair, leaves a brittle, irregular black ash. Burns slowly and unevenly, self-extinguishes.
Very Useful!!!

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